1 Pottermore: la conférence de presse Ven 24 Juin 2011 - 0:23
Maintenant que Pottermore a été révélé [voir le sujet Pottermore: une nouvelle excitante !], il s'agira en effet d'un espace communautaire où chacun pourra échanger sa vision du monde de HP à travers fanfictions, sujets... et où JKR révèlera des contenus exclusifs comme les chapitres qu'elle n'a pas inséré dans ses livres, des révélations sur les personnages etc... Il y aura aussi un espace boutique où les livres seront disponibles à l'achat pour ebooks (et bien d'autres choses)
Pour plus d'informations (captures d'écran, etc etc), je vous retourne au sujet indiqué ci-dessus.
Afin de ne pas vous perdre davantage dans le sujet précédent, j'ouvre celui-ci, spécifique à la conférence de presse tenue par JKR ce jour.
D'autres vidéos, plus longues et sous-titrées, feront leur apparition dans les jours à venir.
Vous pouvez voir à un moment un extrait du site et... de ses textes.
Harrypotterforum.com a retranscrit la partie lisible, que je m'attelerais à vous traduire dès que j'aurais dormi un peu
Voilà un projet bien excitant que nous suivrons de prêt avec une grande attention ! vivement octobre, fin juillet pour les plus chanceux (voir topic cité précédemment )
Pour plus d'informations (captures d'écran, etc etc), je vous retourne au sujet indiqué ci-dessus.
Afin de ne pas vous perdre davantage dans le sujet précédent, j'ouvre celui-ci, spécifique à la conférence de presse tenue par JKR ce jour.
D'autres vidéos, plus longues et sous-titrées, feront leur apparition dans les jours à venir.
Vous pouvez voir à un moment un extrait du site et... de ses textes.
Harrypotterforum.com a retranscrit la partie lisible, que je m'attelerais à vous traduire dès que j'aurais dormi un peu
- Spoiler:
Title: You've Unlocked "Vernon and Petunia Dursley" by J.K. Rowling
Subtext: "Read a brand new contribution from J.K. Rowling about Mr.
and Mrs. Dursley with exclusive revelations about the Muggle couple.
Keep checking the signs as more and more will be added to this and other
entries as the story progresses"
Characters ( A list pops up in the left hand window):
Dudley Dursley
Harry Potter
Mrs. Figg
Vernon & Petunia Dursley
This is all they could get of the story. It is pretty fill in the
blank, which is funny to read, but tells much of the story. More of it
is guess work.
Harry’s aunt and uncle met at work. Petunia Evans, forever
embittered by the fact that her parents seemed to value her witch sister
more than they valued her, left Cokeworth forever to pursue a typing
course in London. This led to an office job, where she met the extremely
unmagical opinionated and materialistic Vernon Dursley. Large and
neckless, this junior executive seemed a model of manliness to the young
Petunia. He not only returned her romantic interest, but was
deliciously normal. He had a perfectly correct car, and wanted to do
completely ordinary things, and by the time he had taken her on a series
of dull dates, during which he talked mainly about himself and his
predictable ideas on the world, Petunia was dreaming of the moment when
he would place a ring on her finger.
When, in due course, Vernon Dursley proposed marriage, in his
mother’s sitting room, Petunia accepted at once. The fly in the ointment
was the fear of what her new fiancé would make ___________ her final
year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. ¬¬¬____________
despise even people who wore brown shoes with black suits. _____________
young woman who spent most of her time wearing long robes ___________
Petunia could hardly bear to think.
She confessed the truth during a tear-stained date, in Ve_______
overlooking the chip shop where Vernon had just bought ____________.
Vernon, as Petunia expected, was deeply shocked; he said solemnly that
he would never hold it against her that she threw herself upon him in
such violent gratitude ___________ sausage.
The first meeting between Lily, her boyfriend James Potter
___________ went badly, and the relationship nose-dived from there. J
_________________ and made the mistake of showing it. Vernon tried to
patr_______ with what car he drove. James described his racing broom.
Vernon sup__________ had to live on unemployment. James explained at
____________ his parents had saved there, in solid gold. Vernon could
not __________ made fun of or not, grew angry. The evening ended
w____________ storming out of the restaurant, while Lily burst into
tears _________ himself) promised to make things up with Vernon at the
This never happened. Petunia did not want Lily as a bridesmaid
_________ of being overshadowed; Lily was hurt. Vernon refused to
____________ reception, but described him, within James’ earshot, as
“some magician.” Once married, Petunia grew ever more like Vernon
________________ square house at number four, Privet Drive. She was
secur_______________ strangely, from teapots that suddenly piped tune
_______________ conversations about things she did not understand with
n________________ Transfiguration.’ She and Vernon chose not to attend
Lily__________________ very last piece of correspondence she received
from Lily _____________ announcement of Harry’s birth, and after one
contemptuous _____________ the bin.
Even though Petunia was raised alongside a witch __________________
magic. She and Vernon share a confused idea that they will ____________
the magic out of Harry, and in an attempt to throw off the ___________
Hogwarts on Harry’s eleventh birthday, she and Vernon fa__________
superstition that witches cannot cross water. As she had
__________________ streams and run across stepping stones in their
childhood ____________________ surprised when Hagrid had no difficulty
making his way o___ the rock.
Voilà un projet bien excitant que nous suivrons de prêt avec une grande attention ! vivement octobre, fin juillet pour les plus chanceux (voir topic cité précédemment )